Upon creation of this race, the UTMF race committee has held many discussions with various goverment officials, environmental protection organizations as well as representatives from the local area. With their advice, measures were put in place and great care was taken to minimize any damage to the environment that this event may cause. In addition, studies were conducted during the first race to determine any environmental impacts.
The results have shown that the overall impact on the trails was not significant, however there were some sections where additional caution would be required due to the sensitive environmental conditions. Regrettably, there were also some areas where litter was found. The UTMF race committee and the environmental organizations all believe in the importance of sharing with as many people, the rich treasures that nature has to offer while at the same time protecting this precious environment. During the second edition of this race, we will endeavor to incorporate the learnings taken from the first race and will continue to uphold our committment to protecting the environment.
In order for trail running to remain a widely recognized and accepted outdoor sport in the future, your cooperation and support is crucial. When you go out for a training run or participate in this race, we ask for your cooperation and strongly hope that each and every one of you is aware of the fact that the future of trail running in Japan lies in your hands.
Finally, we would like to thank the many people who have provided and continue to provide, invaluable advice and support in the creation of this race course and to ensure that adequate environmental protection plans are in place.
– ULTRA-TRAIL Mt.FUJI Race Committee